All the singers of the Collegium Canticum Dresden have their musical roots in a
common choral past with Dresden choir of the Holy Cross, the Dresdner Kreuzchor,
a choir joining boys' and young male voices between the ages of 8 and 18 years,
whose principial domain is Dresdner Kreuzkirche, the Church of the Holy Cross,
in Dresden. Although the young men of the Collegium Canticum Dresden were
member of the Dresdner Kreuzchor choir in different periods, they all have in common
that their love of singing did not die after school when they left the Dresdner Kreuzchor choir,
and they often welcomed even smallest occasions for devoting themselves again the music
in ad hoc male-voice choirs. Such occaisions could be found en masse in Saxony,
a German land not only abundant in higher culture, but also enormously
able to enjoy music, especially when under the conditions of the former
East Germany regime almost every musical presentation and reception bore a hidden
political or ideological component imparting to the arts of siggnificant outlet function.